Wednesday, 11 July 2007

No TV Make Curtis Something Something

So this weekend I bade farewell to the flicker box which stood in my bedroom since grade school. Sure, it has grown, added additional elements, and gave more options throughout its career, but I decided it was time to escape TV land. It is nice to go TVless again. The last time I had experienced it was a couple of summers ago when I lived with Jessie, her and I were able to get much more done without the ol’ boob tube. The remaining portions of this summer (while in the house) will consist of listening to music, reading the news, reading my stack of books-to-read, working on the Ukrainian language, returning to more consistent yoga, and hanging out with the parental units I call Mom and Dad.

This is a removal of one of those elements that plays little positive role in my day to day life. I still use my parents TV for SportsCenter and BBC World News. Then again in the evening for Lou Dobbs and BBC World News. Am I removing myself from common and/or pop culture. I’m not sure, but I am uniting with another set frame of thought, so all will be well. It has been pleasant thus far, and I expect it to continue on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really got anti-TV a few years back after reading Adbusters magazine. It was great, except that I became such an anti-TV zealot that offended many of my friends. Beware of this!

Now, I will watch time and again, but with a more critical eye, like an ethnographer.