Wednesday, 19 September 2007

My Difficult Goodbyes

So on my recent week and a half trip through the Midwest to say my goodbyes; I actually said very few goodbyes. I am bad at them, and my apologies to those friends I never gave farewells to, never hugged goodbye. Thinking about it on the road during the day and night, I have realized that this kind of goodbye has never been on my battlefield. Maybe I avoided them in hopes of there never being any real departure, or separation. As I think of it now though, it may be difficult for some of us to reunite...but I guess life is filled with difficulties, all of which are nothing more than additional challenges to conquer.

With these recent understandings I have decided that it is of importance that I give some phonecalls and send some messages to some individuals, to give my personal feelings. I am leaving in about eight days, and I have still not come to a complete realization of who I am leaving. There lies a great adventure, and I plan on taking you all with me in heart. Thank you and all the best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be reading while you're on the other side of the world. No need for a good-bye here... we'll still be in touch.

I'm sorry I couldn't make it home for your fiesta. I would have loved to see the Schwieterman crew and to see you another time before your grand adventure.

Enjoy your last days in the States, and make sure you update your blog frequently and add lots of photos!