Friday, 21 September 2007

Take Your Brother to Work Day

I have just returned to the splendid little home of brother Aaron and his lovely fiancĂ© Danielle after…a day at work? For some last minute bonding time, and to help Aaron speed through the day, I helped him out at work. I guess today was ‘Take Your Brother to Work Day.’ I was an Anheuser salesman today, despite the fact that I quit my job with the Anheuser distributor in Johnson and Miami Counties a week and a half ago. When Danielle is ready, the two of us will hop on the road, with Aaron an hour or two behind.

Tonight will be sort of a grand hurrah in the Kansas City area. The brothers and Dad will be joining me and a group of friends at the bars on this evening. Talking of times of old, times of now, and times of the future; there should be some pleasant bonding.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

My Difficult Goodbyes

So on my recent week and a half trip through the Midwest to say my goodbyes; I actually said very few goodbyes. I am bad at them, and my apologies to those friends I never gave farewells to, never hugged goodbye. Thinking about it on the road during the day and night, I have realized that this kind of goodbye has never been on my battlefield. Maybe I avoided them in hopes of there never being any real departure, or separation. As I think of it now though, it may be difficult for some of us to reunite...but I guess life is filled with difficulties, all of which are nothing more than additional challenges to conquer.

With these recent understandings I have decided that it is of importance that I give some phonecalls and send some messages to some individuals, to give my personal feelings. I am leaving in about eight days, and I have still not come to a complete realization of who I am leaving. There lies a great adventure, and I plan on taking you all with me in heart. Thank you and all the best.